“If we want things to stay as they are then there will have to be change”
Simply, we recognise that most people want to get better at what they do but that, equally, we are all nervous of change. So we spend time to talk with everyone who has a view on where improvements might be needed and then apply a great deal of experience of what works best to your own special circumstances. That way, change is embraced and not resented. Our approach creates ownership by all those most affected

Most schools are already familiar with using national data to benchmark staff salaries. Prospero uses the same approach (for very much less cost!) to allow you to calculate the key performance indicators for your marketing effort. For instance:
- Overall value for money from your marketing spend – cost per new pupil
- Effectiveness of your chosen media – cost per enquiry
- Effectiveness of your recruitment process – conversion of enquiries to registrations
Reports are for each term and year to date and each one comes with expert analysis and commentary based on your own results.
You can get a free, confidential and immediate headline report just by clicking here …..
Then just contact us for more information and how to set up your own Prospero service. All for £195 per term.
“Extremely good value and it has been really good to see how we measure up to similar schools”
Marketing Manager
Pupil Recruitment and Retention
The best way to increase your pupil numbers is by recommendations from existing parents – a clue here is that we call them customers. Growing your customer base by recommendations will also mean less pressure on your marketing budget.
We will work with you for a minimum of two terms, to create a world class customer experience for parents in very way that they interact with your school. We review every customer touchpoint and challenge your team to make those changes necessary to reassure them about their choice of your school for their children.
Staff satisfaction and retention is critical and we will spend a lot of time with every part of your team to see how their working lives can be improved by better communication and more contented customers.
The programme is entirely flexible to meet your own needs and especially your own budget. We can give you a reliable estimate, dependent on staff and pupil numbers, after one conversation so you can feel comfortable before we get too far down the road.
“IWeYou aim to provide schools with an edge over their competitors when it comes to customer service and they do so in a most professional and robust way“
Management Training
Our unique combined experience enable us to bring a special insight into the development of staff within the school environment. Management Training is rarely included in the development of academic staff and it is too easy to promote a talented, highly motivated teacher who, with no management experience, becomes an unhappy and stressed manager.
Our portfolio of training programmes provides support for:
- Appraisals and Management by Objectives
- Management Development Programmes to support staff identified for management roles.
- Leaders v Managers. Identifying effective leadership styles.
- Other programmes can be designed to provide one to coaching for individuals who may need support during a challenging phase of their career.
- The 5 Rs of Recovery – Recognise, Recalibrate, Repair, Redirect and Reinvigorate. Support for Heads faced with maintaining motivation and a morale as the Covid crisis continues to impact all aspects of school life.
“IWeYou introduces school leaders to expertise from within and outside of education in the way we communicate with and relate to our customers“
5Rs of Recovery
1. Recognise
The acute period of the crisis has now ended. It is time to shift to a Recovery mode. We need to recognise that the future is not what is was 10 weeks ago and mindsets must change if your school is to survive and become a leader in your marketplace. You will need to take your staff with you if you are to make those changes. So this section deals with the recognition of staff and will help you to be sure to have a team that will support you:
- Your people
- Motivation
- Appraisals and development
- Communication
2. Recalibrate
The pandemic has forced all businesses to reset short and medium term objectives, working practices and budgets. Recalibrate provides a structure for you to extend the review to:
- Reflect on your school’s performance so far
- Leadership is always important but never more so than now. How can you identify your leaders, support and train them for the future
- Finance. Experiences of wrestling with emergency budgets and cash flow will have shown quite clearly that the existing financial model for independent schools will not work in the future
- Education. Have recent enforced changes provided impetus for innovations that will become part of the new norm?
- Future Proofing. Are customer focussed behaviours and processes embedded in a unique culture for your school?
- Marketing. What are your objectives. How do you communicate your message. What is your current and prospective customer base. All linked to:
- Communication
3. Repair
An opportunity to repair is a chance to listen, to improve and to be ahead of your competitors. it is a compliment that you have this chance.
- Taking the Lead
- Have a proactive plan
- Apologising
- Control the message
4. Redirect
The transition from reactive responses to proactive programming. School Heads are able move swiftly and proactively to redirect their course and chart a new one – and by doing so get one step ahead of the competition. The focus of leadership expands from what is often a very inward (and entirely appropriate) focus on employee safety and operational continuity to embrace a return to a market-facing posture.
5. Reinvigorate
Now is the time to bring all your work together under one unifying call to action. Within this section we will take you through the rationale and actions for this to bring you a massive shift in your school’s values and cultures and the way on which all concerned become committed to the way
For more detailed diagnostic questionnaires and detailed help sheets pleas fix a time for a one-to-one confidential consultation devoted to your own circumstances and needs.
We don’t ever expect anyone to pay for something that is untried and without knowing if we can add value to your school and certainly in current conditions. So, the first session will be free and without any obligation for you to engage further. We can agree a bespoke approach and budget only when you can be confident that we can work together to make a difference.